Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Artsonia Finalist!!!

Please be sure your voting everyday!!!!

I can't believe it, just got the notice!  We made it to the finalist round again, this time at Middle School Level!!! So everyone PLEASE PLEASE vote for Deszerae!!!! You can vote once DAILY from the same source (smartphone, workstation, iPad, etc...) Thanks for your support!!! Please share this with everyone you know:!
Click on the photo to vote!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Hearts of "WIre"

My 8th grade students constructed wire sculptures that can hang as garden/patio art.  Each sculpture was made using aluminum wire and beads to balance and create a sculpture that used the "heart" shape as inspiration.  Balance for this project was not only a physical element but a visual element as well.  Once they got sculpting with their hearts it was no stopping them!  Some just kept growing and growing...

Masks with Character!

At the high school level my beginning art students are creating ceramic mask sculptures.  Some of the criteria required is using slab, additive, and subtractive techniques.  I found this lesson from Arts and Activities latest issue.  I tweaked it to fit my group of students.  They were instructed on how the mask has played a role throughout history and some of its major influences.   Each student must develop a unique piece avoiding the temptation of 'copying' an already infamous mask.  In other words no Scream or Jigsaw versions!  I did however allow them to use resources for inspiration.  Each student will also utilize under-glazes and glazes to complete the finished piece.  I have posted below just a few of their works "in progress".  I will add more as they continue to work on these exciting projects.  Stay tuned...

These aren't for Oatmeal!

This year I did a fun project with my 4th grade students that made use of paper pulp, which most of the kids say, "Ewww...its like oatmeal!"  Most kids love projects that are messy, sticky, and have texture!  This project has all that, plus color.  We started with a plain Styrofoam bowl and they layer the outside of the bowl with tissue paper.  Spreading an even coat of water/glue mixture over the top.  They can add additional wrapping paper, magazines clippings, construction paper, newspaper, etc. to the outside.  Once there is about 4-5 layers of various papers, it is time to add the paper pulp.  Then each student receives a nice heaping of paper pulp (Celluclay) that I premix with water and Elmer's glue.  I use an oatmeal consistency for getting the mixture just right.  This is spread on evenly and smoothed out to remove any sharp edges when it dries.  Before it is left to dry they press scrap yarn and string into the pulp.  When the bowl is nearly dry the Styrofoam bowl is removed and I punch in holes with a needle tool so they may decorate with colored wire and beads.  Lastly its given a "dry-brushing" of paint on the outside.  The students were so proud of their creations, as well as excited to bring them home!

Burton Morris Inspired Hearts!

Top piece shown created by Dylan Nelson gr. 5

What a fun project this was to tie in some Art History along with the celebration of love.  I introduced Burton Morris, a contemporary pop artist who uses other master artists' pieces as his inspiration.  Please be sure to view the website prior to showing students so that you can select which images to share.  Some may not be well suited for a classroom.  I explain to my 5th grade students the history of pop art and what it means, Morris continues the spin of pop art by painting other art in a pop art style!  His website shows a wide range of his work.  You have to check it out to get the full feeling of his work.  This online gallery usually receives a lot  of "Oooooo's and Ahhhhh's".  I will have a full range of work posted by the 5th grade in the near future on our school's online gallery

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Welcome & Let the Creativity Flow!

Just getting into the blog community!  As a K-12 art educator for the last 15 years in a small rural communtiy,  I find it very important to keep up on the latest and greatest ideas to keep your students motivated and creating.  Technology is a wonderful way to keep connected with colleagues and new creative inspiration in the 21st century!  I am currently the only art teacher our students see from the beginning of their educational experience until they receive their high school diploma.  It puts a lot of pressure on me to do my best at keeping them involved and energetic about their creative journey.  The arts provide valuable skills our children will need today to become successful learners.  Integration of core content areas strengthens this message to students as to how these new ideas and concepts will be an asset in their future experiences. Our students need to be problem solvers who can think outside of the box in all areas of expertise, this is what the Fine Arts can do for our kids.  It provides them the tools and skills to be creative thinkers, goal setters, and successful life long learners.

I am excited to share beneficial, as well as inspiring ideas within this blog! I hope you as well will enjoy the journey ahead! Until then, feel free to visit the online art gallery of my students at